Stoner Scorpio the final Winter month brings an early warm breeze of creativity to the personal sphere.  Fill your sacred stash jar with a variety of cannabis strains.  This cosmic breeze of creativity will impact the stoner Scorpio both outwardly and internally.  Both internal analysis and external vision will be amplified by smoke sessions with … Continue reading Scorpio Stoner Horoscope February →

Stoner Scorpio the final Winter month brings an early warm breeze of creativity to the personal sphere.  Fill your sacred stash jar with a variety of cannabis strains.  This cosmic breeze of creativity will impact the stoner Scorpio both outwardly and internally.  Both internal analysis and external vision will be amplified by smoke sessions with the sacred herb.

Refresh and revamp stoner Scorpio!  Seek out creative endeavors within your physical personal space.  Is it time to try something new?  Perhaps a project that has been lingering in the back of your head?  The final Winter month is the perfect time to improve your personal space.  Perhaps this will be a kick start into the coming Spring season.  Use the creative enhancement of the sacred herb to guide your action at home.  Target the New Moon of the 11th.  Plan out a staycation with your favorite cannabis strain, and your tools of creative manifestation.  You might find that during all this outward activity within your physical space, great work might unfold internally.  Sink deep into this creative smoke session.  Whereas the focus might be on your physical space, it could be internal house cleaning that benefits you the most.

Last month I wrote about the powerful sting of the stoner Scorpion.  The danger continues into the February time period.  You don’t want to injure your cannabis companions or close members of the canna-fam.  Use the sacred herb as a catalyst to chill out and gain perspective before striking out with your powerful sting in moments of anger or frustration.  By the Full Moon of the 27th, internal emotions will change.  A new period will bring new organization and attitudes toward the inner smoke circle.  Find your chill with the sacred herb until the Full Moon stoner Scorpio; your cannabis companions will thank you.

These internal efforts to cleanse, modify, or improve your internal space can be daunting and exhausting.  Toke time to reward yourself for these efforts.  Mid month, cut time out in the schedule for a solo smoke session just for you.  Find joy in a personal activity.  Let out the frustrations of life as a terrestrial astronaut with personal motion.  Dance, paint, build, write, or simply read a good book.  Take the time for self to push out energy and emotion into something you enjoy.

Self improvement all starts from personal action.  Go!