In this episode of SCIP IntelliCast, we speak with the authors of the new book Gardens of Intelligence – Designing Robust Digital Market & Competitive Intelligence Platforms, Jesper Martell and Gabriel Anderbjörk.  While Gardens of Intelligence is a new-to-world approach, it's backed by decades of experience at successful global organizations like Ericsson. 

Our conversation with Jesper and Gabriel covers: 

How companies can use Gardens of Intelligence to plan investments in people, technology, and information depending on their unique needs The 3 components every organization needs for an Market & Competitive Intelligence department to consistently deliver valueThe role of artificial intelligence & machine learning in the intelligence cycleHow organizations' information needs change as they advanceThe rise in importance of managerial skills for MCI professionals

As Gabriel says in this episode, "CI is growing into a management profession, far more than just an analytical profession."