Episode 41 - On the Menu: Avengers Endgame Assembly - A Round Table Discussion.

Welcome to the SciFi Pubcast! Come for a drink but stay for the speculation.

Avengers Assemble!

***Warning! Major spoilers are ahead!***

The movie, Avengers Endgame by Marvel Studios, came out this week, and we needed to have a round table discussion on it. Needless to say, we have a lot of strong feelings going on.

In addition to Joel, Keri, and Derek, also joining us are Kyle, Joelle, and Whim.

And we certainly talked it out.

So grab whatever you need to drink. This discussion is one for the history books.

This is the SciFi Pubcast.

Music provided courtesy of Logan Rathbone. The SciFi Pubcast logo is by Jea Rhea. Recorded and released on April 28, 2019. 

Show website: www.scifipubcast.space

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Keri Simpson Derek Beebe Kyle Joelle Whim Joel Welch

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