Episode 40: Our Star Wars Celebration Chicago Reaction!

***Note: Joel had audio issues with his mic on this show so the sound quality and volume balance is lacking on this episode. He's very sorry but he was on the road. It's definitely worth a listen because Mike and Kyle rocked it!***

Welcome to the SciFi Pubcast! Come for a drink but stay for the speculation.

Star Wars Celebration Chicago wrapped up last week. It was out of this world! If you haven’t been to a Star Wars Celebration, you need to go to the one happening next year in Anaheim.

And this is our reaction show. Joining us are special guest customers Mike Clark and Kyle.

So grab a case of beer because we talk a lot. The Star Wars community is back baby!

This is the SciFi Pubcast.

Episode recorded and released on April 21, 2019. 

Show website: www.scifipubcast.space.

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Keri Simpson Derek Beebe Joel Welch

Link to more information on Star Wars Celebrations.

Music provided courtesy of Logan Rathbone. The SciFi Pubcast logo is by Jea Rhee. Widescreen photograph utilized for some podcast feeds, Pillar and Jets HH 901/902, used courtesy of NASA, ESA, and M. Livio and the Hubble 20th Anniversary Team (STScl). Photograph (iss065e001065) used for the header on our podcast website/YouTube used courtesy of NASA and the ISS.

Listen Responsibly. Copyright 2019 Joel Welch. All rights reserved.  

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