Do you find yourself creating a vision board, having so much fun printing or cutting out pictures for the future you want and then after it’s done and hung on your wall nothing happens? Well we have both been there and we are here to tell you why they don’t work and why you should have a vision statement instead!

In this episode we dive into what a vision statement is and how this will help you create the life you want for yourself. Here's what we discuss: 

How a vision statement works
Why it's a "living & breathing" document
The power of specificity
How to tell a story with your vision

Through this episode, you will begin to understand the power behind having a vision statement and why they are important so you can create the life you truly wish to live. 

We feel so strongly about this that Kevin is hosting on October 16th, a one time only, 2 hour live training on How to Build a Vision Statement for just $47.00. Here's the link to learn more and to sign up:

In this training Kevin will dive deeper into the importance of a vision statement, how to connect with it daily and will literally walk you through writing it out. There will be a Q & A portion to help you create a powerful vision statement you can walk away with when the training is over. Sign up here:

We are beyond excited to bring this content to you and all the ways it will help you make your dreams a reality!