I believe we all have a purpose in life - we're here for a reason. We're not born to just go through the motions, make money, have some fun and then die. I believe we're here to make a positive impact on the world and our fellow brothers and sisters that live in it. In this episode, you'll learn what your purpose is at the very core and then how to begin living it right now! Hint: It's much simpler than you think 😉 
If you're ready to really make a change and act on your inspiration to live your purpose, then download the Soul Purpose Blueprint for free! 👉 www.kevincarton.com/soulpurposeblueprint
Remember... "don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.” ~ Howard Thurman
P.S. Here's the podcast episode I mentioned on facing your fears: Fear - Why We Experience It and What to do About It