Have you ever heard anyone say, “You are (a) God”? Maybe that resonated, maybe it didn’t, but what if it’s both true and not true? 

In this solo episode, I (Kevin) share my beliefs about God and what "He" is and isn’t. This is a deep topic and I did my best to summarize the large concepts that many people can get confused by. I believe it’s essential to connect with this Infinite Power within and so I hope this sheds light on the whole subject, so you can walk away with a deeper belief in what’s true for YOU! 

And lastly, in my experience, the answer to the question above is… it’s both and in this episode I share why!

P.S. I refer to Ariana Grande's song "God is a woman" and totally messed up in saying it was Beyoncé 😂

P.P.S. The other song by Daniel Nahmod is called One Power <3