Welcome to Spiritual Business Saturdays!

This is an inaugural episode to introduce this segment of the Science and Spirituality podcast where you will learn how to start, and or grow, a business that aligns with your soul.

It might seem that it’s a given to be connected to our authentic Self while in business, but most of the time it's a left brain experience and in our humanness. Spiritual business is not about being perfect but rather about endeavoring to come from that space of oneness, love and of connection with the Infinite.

Listen along to learn:

What spiritual business means to me
How I’ve built my business to honor my spirit and the source of all things
What you can expect going forward

I would love to hear from you so here is the link I mentioned for you to answer a brief survey so I can best serve you! https://forms.gle/djh8nB2a6fd7PKy48

Happy listening :)


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