Have you really thought about what it means to breath properly? This may seem like a silly question but most of us truly underestimate the power of our breath and how to actually breath into our bodies. Today we are joined by Andrew Genovese, a breathwork teacher and healer. Listen as Andrews shares his journey, how he came to be a breathwork teacher and what he does to help others through his work.

In today’s episode you will learn:

Letting go - why is surrendering so important?

Breath - How can it help heal your body?

Benefits - How do we benefit from breathwork?

Implementation - How can you implement breathwork into your life?

Sessions - What does a breathwork session entail?

Andrew really dives into the power of our bodies and breathwork. His work truly expresses how we are boundless beings and that life is happening for us not to us. If you are interested in working with Andrew or would like to learn more about his work you can find him on instagram @breathehealevolve and his website is www.andrewgenovesehealing.com. Please see his bio below.

As always we are excited to bring these episodes to you! Happy listening :)


Andrew Genovese is a breathwork teacher, healer, plant medicine guide and nutritionist specializing in helping people move towards wholeness with 2 hour dimensional breathwork sessions incorporating one's own breath and the healing sounds of music. At the start of 2020 Andrew was on a 3 month voyage in the mountains of South India with his guru Vinod Kumar. Living in a tribal village, he studied the pranayama and yoga, and ancient yogic philosophy. Andrew also harnesses a wealth of knowledge about various other healing modalities, the current situation of ascension on planet earth today, and how to keep up one's immunity and vitality in all aspects of life mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually.