How many of you struggle with being authentic, being scared to play big and holding back? Our guest Allison Gomer is a psychotherapist, somatic healer, and facilitator of cacao ceremonies who knows that struggle. In this episode, Allison shares her journey on becoming authentic, letting go of fear of judgement and truly letting go of judging herself. She shares how as a psychotherapist, she's been discovering alternative ways of transformation and healing through Cacao and Cacao ceremonies. 
What is Cacao? It is raw, pure chocolate grown in pods near the equator on trees. In this episode we talk with Allison about Cacao, the ceremonies she uses with Cacao and all the benefits from it. Listen along to learn:

The science behind Cacao
How Cacao is used with meditation
Where to find raw Cacao
The difference between raw chocolate and processed chocolate
How to prepare it
What a ceremony is
The benefits of a ceremony
How it’s different for us all 
How to actually get the most out of your experience
Why it’s so powerful to open up your heart

Chris and I both did a Cacao ceremony with Allison and we share our experiences of what the Cacao ritual was like and what it’s done for us having experienced it. If you are interested in learning more or working with Allison please check out her website There is a page on Allison’s website called Cacao ceremony and her email is on her website as well to get connected with her. So follow along as we dive in deep today and we are really excited to bring this content to you!