In this enlightening episode, we explore the profound quote by Voltaire, the influential French Enlightenment writer, philosopher, and historian: "God is a circle whose center is everywhere and circumference nowhere." Join us as we delve into the depths of this quote and unravel its meaning in relation to our connection with the divine.

Throughout the episode, we embark on a journey of understanding how to establish a deep and meaningful connection with God, Spirit, Source, the Universe, or whatever name resonates with you for the Infinite. We believe that this connection can serve as a catalyst for solving problems and unearthing innovative ideas in our lives.

Firstly, we explore the power of the breath as a gateway to the Infinite. Breathing is an innate and constant rhythm within us, and by consciously focusing on our breath, we can enter a state of mindfulness and presence. Through simple yet intentional breathing techniques, we can quiet our minds, expand our awareness, and establish a profound connection with the boundless energy that surrounds us.

Next, we delve into the notion of challenging our thoughts and feelings of disconnection. Often, we find ourselves trapped in limiting beliefs or negative emotions that hinder our connection with the Infinite. By questioning these thoughts and emotions, we create space for new perspectives and open ourselves up to the infinite possibilities that lie beyond our perceived limitations.

Lastly, we explore the transformative power of asking empowering and expansive questions. By consciously framing our inquiries in a way that invites wisdom, inspiration, and guidance from the Infinite, we can tap into a vast reservoir of knowledge and creativity. These questions serve as catalysts for transformation, propelling us towards fresh insights and breakthrough solutions.

Join us on this captivating episode as we dive deep into these three powerful techniques for connecting with the Infinite. We provide practical tips, share personal experiences, and offer guidance on integrating these practices into your daily life. Prepare to unlock a wellspring of inspiration, clarity, and divine connection that can revolutionize the way you navigate challenges and manifest your dreams.

Additional episode referenced: 84 | Simple Practices to Access Higher Consciousness

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This transformative 2-day event is your gateway to unlocking the incredible potential within you. Imagine a life where you're no longer held captive by self-doubt and limiting beliefs – where you have the tools to recognize and challenge disempowering thoughts that have hindered your growth. Through immersive experiences and guided introspection, you'll develop a heightened awareness of the patterns that have shaped your life, and gain the skills to break free from them. Together, we'll embark on a journey of soul growth, nurturing a deep understanding of your life's purpose and the steps needed to align with it.

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