As we travel on the spiritual journey, most people look to a teacher or mentor to help along the way, but how do we know who the "perfect spiritual teacher" is for ourselves? In today's episode we had the honor of having Kashish Gambhir on with us to talk about finding this kind of spiritual teacher. This conversation was so powerful, full of wisdom and such beauty. Kashish has a beautiful way of breaking down spirituality in a way that will leave you in awe.

Listen along so you can learn:

A simple definition of what spirituality is
Why it's important to find the "perfect" spiritual teacher
How to actually find the perfect spiritual teacher for yourself
And much more!

As Kashish shared, when anyone connects to their Spirit, they are always connected. The spiritual journey is never backwards. If a person is in the human form they will always have human experiences (aka, challenges), but the person becomes detached when they are truly connected. Knowing the truth creates detachment and that is when we become free.  

If you would love to learn more, check out Kashish's course below:

"How to Find the Perfect Spiritual Master"
Use the coupon code - KEVINANDCHRIS

And check out Kashish's website:

Happy listening :)

Kashish Bio:

Kashish Gambhir is a Spiritual Guide, Writer & Consultant from India. She teaches that Spirituality is all about consciousness; It is beyond the concepts of religion, color, class, nationality, etc. As a child, Kashish was an atheist, but with profound spiritual experiences over many years of her life, she turned from an atheist to a knower of the existence of God.

She teaches that the most important and fundamental aspect of one's spiritual journey is to first find a Perfect Spiritual Master. Further, she says that the problem is that people do not really know who a perfect spiritual master is and therefore a lot of seekers are unable to realize their full potential as a spiritual being going through a human experience or even to leading themselves to an expansion in their consciousness infinitely.