We believe that stress is something we all experience as part of this human experience. Unfortunately, we all also have unhealthy / unconscious responses to stress. In other words, we're all relieving stress in some way whether we are conscious of it or not. That's why in today's episode we take a deep dive on understanding the difference between conscious and unconscious stress regulation, so you can know how to shift into healthier habits.

Listen along so you can learn:

What is unconscious stress regulation and how is it unhealthy
What is conscious stress regulation and how this can benefit your life
Ways to develop conscious habits of dealing with stress, so you can thrive!
And so much more!

It's important to remember that it's harder in the beginning when working with conscious stress regulation because you're re-patterning deeply ingrained habits that may have been YEARS in the making! Plus, it takes time to build resiliency, just like when you work out your physical muscles. This will build up over time! 

That's why we created the Conscious Stress Regulation 4-week course, so you can learn new tools and have the support to create healthier, more conscious habits of regulating stress! This course has finished, but if you have any questions, please email us: [email protected] or [email protected]