It’s no secret that there is a lot of suffering happening on this planet, especially when it comes to mental health. When you tune into the actual amount of suffering that is happening right now it will blow your mind and it takes practice to let your brain even know how to tune into this.

This is why we are thrilled and honored to have a special guest with us today, Jeff Lieberman. Jeff has an incredible story with an extensive background having received four degrees at MIT but he was led down the path of the beauty and intelligence of his emotions as well as the varied perspectives of consciousness, after suffering from a deep depression.

Listen along to Jeff’s amazing story so you can learn:

How many of our behaviors are defense mechanisms
What generational trauma is and why it’s so important to heal it
What body intelligence is
Games to play to help you gain metacognition
The camp he is offering for 18-24 year olds
And so much more!

The western world lives in a very disembodied state and this has happened over generations. Through Jeff’s Sleepawake camp, he wants to help 18-24 year olds have a space to learn embodiment and so much more.

To learn more about Sleepawake camp:

Sleepawake Camp is a month-long summer intensive for 18-24 year olds to learn all the things they should've been offered about how to live thriving, joyous, and connected lives. The curriculum weaves science, psychology, game-play, and ancient wisdom to support embodiment, creative expression, working with difficult emotions, deepening self-awareness and metacognition, and more, in a supportive community — a bootcamp for the body, heart, and mind.

Happy listening :)


Jeff received four degrees at MIT (Physics, Math, Mech Eng and Robotics). He hosted “Time Warp” on the Discovery Channel about the wonders of science, and made large-scale art for 15 years. By external measures, he was incredibly successful. But inside, something was missing. This disconnect led him to a deep depression in high school, and chronic pain for almost 20 years after that.

Jeff learned quantum mechanics before learning about his emotions. He marvels at the fact that we can measure the external universe to 10-decimal accuracy, but most of us don’t learn about our insides: our emotions, what leads to flourishing, how to take great care of ourselves. Years of personal exploration transformed him, leading to a determination to not have the road to joy be difficult for others to find.

He has spent the last 11 years focusing on personal and group development, facilitating students and adults through intensives, and speaking around the world on the topics of art, science, education, healing, and consciousness. See more of his work at