We are living in a world where we are processing so much information and there is a lot to integrate, especially when stepping into our spiritual journey. To be a spiritual being, having human body experience is a journey and a process. In today’s episode we dive deep on the raw side of spiritual journey with special guest, Amanda Monnier.

In this episode we dive deep on everything from programming, patterns, paradigms, coming home to ourselves and the raw side of the spiritual journey.

Listen along so you can learn:

Why painful moments create change
The power of perception
Tools to move through density
How to find peace/freedom
How to trust yourself
And so much more!

We are powerful beings with the ability to create anything and we have a choice. It’s important to remember that this journey is always a process and we are always evolving. The more we step into neutrality, the more harmony we bring to our lives.

If you would like to connect with Amanda and her work, you can find her on the following platforms:

Website: https://amandamonnier.com/
IG: https://www.instagram.com/amandamonnier/?hl=en
Podcast: https://anchor.fm/amanda-monnier

Happy listening :)

Amanda’s Bio

Amanda knows she is here to assist with the anchoring in of New Earth and Oneness Consciousness—the veil is thin + the old way simply does not work any longer. She has a passion for supporting people + meeting them where they are at in their journey. Amanda believes in each of us activating our inner healer and healing through connection to our own Divinity. She holds space for healing ancestral patterns, conditioning, imprints, beliefs, + the shift into your fullest embodiment of who you are at a soul level. Amanda is completely committed, reminding others that everything they ever needed was always inside.