00:00:00 - This week, Joe and Ryan chat with Mike Snyder, c0-founder and chief engineer of Made In Space, which has already begun 3D printing all sorts of things for astronauts about the International Space Station. So kind of a big deal.


00:21:50 - Even co-founders need a beverage now and again, and Mike is no exception. But since they're productive people, all Mike has to promote is coffee, water, and tea (he likes Zelda themed blends from Adagio). Ryan takes a different tact with some Herman Marshall bourbon out of Dallas, TX. Joe brings up the rear with some Death Valley root beer.


00:33:03 - Part 2 of our interview with Mike brings even more science and engineering to the table! Be sure to check out Mike on Twitter and like Made in Space's Facebook page!


01:01:25 - PaleoPOWs are a lot like 3D printing; we're not totally sure why it's a big deal, but it probably is. Ryan has a donation from Andre R., who also left a comment on episode 205 about his favorite local cryptid/upcoming brewery. Joe also has a donation from Ron E. (Ron Howard? You decide!) who thanks us for distractions during long runs and promised an iTunes review which Ryan thinks he's reading but is wrong. It's actually from RtwoDtoo, so thanks for that! There is much talk of Ryan's beer consumption, if that's the sort of thing you're interested in you can become beer friends and follow along with his Untappd profile. Also, be sure to participate on our poll as to whether or not whales are the bad guys.

Thanks for listening and be sure to check out the Brachiolope Media Network for more great science podcasts!



Music for this week's show:

You Got Me Floatin' - Jimi Hendrix

Cold Coffee - Ed Sheeran

Space Jam - The Quad City DJ's


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