We all know that scientific evidence is just one of many inputs into policymaking. But what if the notion of evidence itself is too narrow? Are there reliable sources of knowledge other than 'evidence', and if so, how can they be integrated into the policymaking process alongside the theories and data offered by science?

At the Centre for Public Impact, Adrian Brown and Thea Snow work to broaden policymakers' understanding of the kinds of knowledge that governments can work with. In this episode, they talk to Toby Wardman about how the world of science advice can adapt to this broader understanding too.

Resources mentioned in this episode
Centre for Public Impact: https://www.centreforpublicimpact.org/
'Braiding sweetgrass', by Robin Wall Kimmerer: https://milkweed.org/book/braiding-sweetgrass
'Seeing like a state', by James Scott:  https://yalebooks.yale.edu/book/9780300078152/seeing-state
The Cynefin framework: https://www.cognitive-edge.com/