This week’s interview features NYT best-selling indie fantasy author Jasmine Walt. She talks about how she burst onto the scene a couple of years ago with her popular Baine Chronicles series and breaks down why she think it hit big even though she was a new author at the time. We also ask her about her various collaborations and how

This week’s interview features NYT best-selling indie fantasy author Jasmine Walt. She talks about how she burst onto the scene a couple of years ago with her popular Baine Chronicles series and breaks down why she think it hit big even though she was a new author at the time. We also ask her about her various collaborations and how she’s kept the momentum going with the numerous new series she’s started.

Here are some of the specifics:

Expectations for urban fantasy, fantasy with romance, and reverse harem fantasy.
Writing stories that combine a lot of elements and aren’t exactly to market.
When taking on a collaboration partner can make sense and mistakes to avoid in co-writing.
Jasmine’s process that helps her publish a novel almost every month.
How much outlining she does before she starts writing.
How her first launch went and what she did to get pre-orders and sales as a brand new author.
What a launch looks like for her these days as a more established author with a fan base.
The challenges of having success with a second, third, etc. series after the first one was a hit.
When it’s time to move some series out of Kindle Unlimited and try to build a readership in other stores.
The factors that go into deciding how long a series should continue.
What Jasmine does for the back matter of her books.
Whether hitting bestseller lists (New York Times, USA Today, etc.) are useful for marketing or just nice accolades to have.

You can visit Jasmine on her website and check out the first of her Baine Chronicles novel, Burned. It’s available in all stores. Her Dragon’s Gift series (reverse harem fantasy) and recent release Cursed by Night are available on Amazon and in Kindle Unlimited.

Also, if you listen in time and you’re interested in going to the conference Jasmine is putting on in May 2018, here’s the link for that:

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