This week, Jo, Jeff, and Lindsay answered listener questions on a variety of topics such as how to spend $1,000 on advertising to get the most out of your launch, how to get reviews as a new author, whether we use review or street teams, and how often to release books if you’re banking them to do a rapid release.

This week, Jo, Jeff, and Lindsay answered listener questions on a variety of topics such as how to spend $1,000 on advertising to get the most out of your launch, how to get reviews as a new author, whether we use review or street teams, and how often to release books if you’re banking them to do a rapid release. We also answer the question Jeff always asks our guests… if you knew then what you know now, what would you have done differently?

Here are a few of the more specific topics we covered:

Writing and publishing in multiple sub-genres at once, yay or nay?
Advertising strategies for a book launch.
Street teams and whether we use them.
Amazon closing its submissions to Kindle Scout.
Selling boxed sets at more than $9.99 and still getting a 70% royalty at Kobo.
Doing hard cover omnibuses and large print editions of your books.
Going wide with audiobooks or staying exclusive with Audible.
Jo’s experience with Kindle Worlds since they started including KW stories in Kindle Unlimited.
Whether it’s worth maintaining an author presence on Facebook even if you’re not planning to spend money on ads.
When you’re doing a rapid release strategy for a series, how often you should get those first few books out there.
Where to invest $1,000 on advertising for the launch of a new series.
How long to let Amazon AMS ads run.
Our previous podcast on Amazon AMS ads with Tom Corson-Knowles.
Will people do newsletter swaps with you if your list is small?
Finding fantasy and science fiction authors to swap with via the SF/F Cross Promo Bulletin Board Facebook group.
Whether single-author boxed sets are still useful to put together.

If you have better answers to any of the questions than our venerable but not infallible hosts had, feel free to chime in below!

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