Our Auction for Jeanne Robinson Cancer Fund was officially posted on our website, and we got a few minutes to talk about what the pieces looked like. A shout out to Boing Boing and Cory Doctorow for their support and Browncoats Redemption for their help as well. We also talked about the Boston Independent Film […]

Our Auction for Jeanne Robinson Cancer Fund was officially posted on our website, and we got a few minutes to talk about what the pieces looked like. A shout out to Boing Boing and Cory Doctorow for their support and Browncoats Redemption for their help as well. We also talked about the Boston Independent Film Festivals premiere of Drones Directed by Amber Benson and Adam Busch wishing them the best of luck. In Doctor Who news, some new video games are coming out and The Doctor is being proposed as the Patron Saint of England. In related news it is with a sigh of relief that we report that FAUX has decided NOT  to do an Americanized version of Torchwood.  Genre TV has gotten uniformly bad numbers, which have been declining. According to Airlock Alpha rating have been as follows:

1. (1) Lost (ABC) — 5.6/9 — [85.5]

2. (2) Fringe (Fox) — 4.1/7 — [76.9]

3. (3) V (ABC) — 3.8/6 — [88.9]

4. (4) FlashForward (ABC) — 3.4/6 — [66.2]

5. (6) Vampire Diaries (CW) — 1.8/3 — [74.2]

6. (7) Supernatural (CW) — 1.5/2 — [81.0]

7. (8) Smallville (CW) — 1.2/2 — [84.2]

[ ]= Loyalty Index rating

After the trivia break, we spoke with DJ Sucklord. You can find his website here. It was, to say the least, an interesting conversation, with a PG-13 Rating.


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