In a week of interesting genre news, we talked about Flash Forwards’ dwindling numbers. Kick Ass opened and many camps had thier say on good, bad, but no one was indifferent. Joss gets to do a movie with no vamps or cowboy spaceships. Joinning us  for the entire show is the charming Jess Hartley. We […]

In a week of interesting genre news, we talked about Flash Forwards’ dwindling numbers. Kick Ass opened and many camps had thier say on good, bad, but no one was indifferent. Joss gets to do a movie with no vamps or cowboy spaceships. Joinning us  for the entire show is the charming Jess Hartley. We spent a good amount f time talking about her “Shattered Glass” project. It is such a wonderful idea.

Join us and enjoy!

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