Hey guys! It is Aiko with Schwagirl. I am an American English pronunciation coach and business coach based in Hawai'i.

Welcome to my show "Schwagirl". This show is for Japanese people who speak English as a second language and are working in an English environment. I am focusing on mindsets and entrepreneurship because they are important when it come to working in a new environment and learning new things.

I speak English as a second language. I came to the US when I was 23. I had a hard time in the US because of my thick Japanese accent. If you are going through a hard time, don't give up your dreams and goals. And I hope this show will encourage and empower you! -Who is Aiko?

In this episode, I invited Rochelle Kopp and she shared two Japanese concepts that do not really exist in the American culture.
Rochelle is Founder and Managing Principal of Japan Intercultural Consulting, an international training and consulting firm focused on Japanese business. She helps Japanese and people from other countries understand each others' cultures and work together effectively. How Japanese can improve their communication in English is a theme that she frequently consults on and also writes about in books including the best-selling Manga de Wakaru Gaikokujin to no Hatarakikata, and Eigo no Hinkaku.
Enjoy the episode!

Rochelle Kopp's website: https://www.japanintercultural.com/en/home/default.aspx
Japanese Twitter https://twitter.com/JICRochelle
English Twitter https://twitter.com/JapanIntercult
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/rochelle.kopp
Linkedin https://www.linkedin.com/in/rochellekopp/

■ 『マンガでわかる外国人との働き方』 https://amzn.to/2TWrafc
■ 英語の品格 http://amzn.to/2tAloT2 Kindle http://amzn.to/2fGBN3O
■ 反省しないアメリカ人をあつかう方法34  http://amzn.to/1NOzh36 Kindle  http://amzn.to/1NDHyFS
■ 英語の交渉 直前7時間の技術 http://amzn.to/1OvVhi2 kindle http://amzn.to/2ftsbF4
■ 外国人部下と仕事をするためのビジネス英語―指示・フィードバック・業績評価http://amzn.to/10BDFxi



12月7日午後12時、English Boot Campゆみ先生とAikoのアメリカ英語発音”参加型”ウェビナー(5500円)発音コーチ2人からアドバイスがもらえます♪発音チェックの特典あり。詳細:http://bit.ly/34uNUob 12月8日午後1時、高島まき先生とAikoのイギリス英語とアメリカ英語のイントネーション”参加型”レッスン(5500円)詳細:https://ameblo.jp/reginacecilia/entry-12550977694.html

・上級者向け:12週間の英語発音コース https://hatsuonkyosei.com/services/
日本人のためのアメリカ英語の発音矯正コース(Teachable とUdemyで述べ受講者数1400名以上が取っているオンラインコース)https://hatsuonkyosei.teachable.com/

#schwagirl #英語の発音 #発音矯正 #entrepreneurship

Podcast: https://schwagirl.com 
Facebook: @hatsuonkyosei
Twitter: @aiko2232

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