Welcome to part 1 of the 4-part series, the Build to Last workshop. Every single week, over the next four weeks, we're going to be digging into specific areas that will uplevel and give you the confidence, the decision-making skills, and practical strategies for your center. 


In this episode, I am joined by Sharon Hopson. She is the owner of the Bella Vita Montessori in Omaha, Nebraska. We share tips on understanding what you tell yourself, the thoughts that you believe in, and how these create your reality. As a school director, equipping yourself with the pragmatic leadership drills we walk through today will help you uplevel your mindset, and get better, smarter, faster, stronger, and wiser. With a positive mindset, you can acknowledge and tackle every challenge without it affecting your own mental and emotional well-being, your staff, or the school's culture.

In a nutshell, we talk about


Leveling up your mindset and approaching things with positivity  How to manage your time more efficiently Creating, embracing, and practicing your boundaries and knowing when to violate them Releasing stress and inviting calm and rest Inviting someone into what you are thinking, given that you are not a machine and can't do everything by yourself


           …and so much more!

Resources and links mentioned in this episode:


The Director’s Inner Circle & Owner’s HQ is the #1 community & training program specifically designed for early childhood school leaders and owners who are committed to building schools of excellence


You get 24/7 access to exclusive templates & training to help you motivate your staff and build a collaborative culture that positively impacts the lives of children.


Plus the support & accountability you need to create massive momentum.


Learn more and apply for the Director’s Inner Circle & Owner's HQ: http://Chanie.me/jointhedic 

More about the show:


If you are an Early Childhood director or owner, prepare to transform your school and life with the Schools of Excellence podcast. Tune in each week to learn from Chanie Wilschanski, the founder and host of the Schools of Excellence Podcast and a mom of 4 little kids. Each episode will be packed with tools and strategies – equipping you to build schools with higher staff retention, teacher motivation, parent partnership, collaborative culture, and beautiful quality of life. 


Every week, Chanie shares the truth about the journey to excellence, the strategies that are working TODAY, and the mindset about the critical decisions and choices that you make every day which impact yourself, your teachers, parents, family, and children who you serve every day.


Mentioned in this episode:

School Leadership Toolkit

School Leadership Toolkit: https://schoolsofexcellence.com/toolkit/

School Leadership Toolkit

School Leadership Toolkit: https://schoolsofexcellence.com/toolkit/

School Leadership Toolkit