Michael Malice is an accomplished author, celebrity ghostwriter, Twitter provocateur, podcaster and cable news commentator. He joins me for what begins as a conversation about "health" and fitness practices, but then it evolves into a fascinating exploration of habit and self-discipline.

I approached this personal development topic through the lens of fitness because Michael has expressed that the pursuit continues to be a challenge for him. I thought it would be more interesting to discuss a subject where Michael is trying to put the puzzle pieces together, versus one of his areas of expertise (anarchist philosophy, objectivism, North Korea and the New Right).

For me, fitness has proven to be the foundation of a better life, and great teacher for any personal development pursuit. Michael and I are extremely different people, despite coming from similar philosophical backgrounds, but I have identified with him the most when listening to him talk about his fitness, eating and body issues.

Fitness and Eating Regimens:
- Questions for Michael: what are doing? where did you fail? why you're doing this? what does "in shape" mean to you?
- Michael says being fit is often a function of having something wrong with you psychologically?
- Intermittent Fasting, carb cycling, glycogen depletion and anxiety
- Body image Issues: "happiness is a function of the scale"

Self-Discipline and Habit:
- I see fitness as a foundation for self-discipline while Michael sees self-discipline as a foundation for fitness
- Negative self-talk and where it comes from
- Michael rejects the concept of "Lifestyle balance" so I explain what it means to me
- Michael never struggled with self-discipline?
- Owning the Day: Michael's routines, what makes a great day
- Michael's advice: don't aspire to greatness?
- Willpower and habit automation

Michael's Website: michaelmalice.com/
Michael's Twitter:twitter.com/michaelmaliceo
Michael On You Tube: Click Here To Subscribe

The Next Renegade University and School Sucks Project event is happening May 11-13 in the original renegade city of New Orleans. At the end of this podcast we'll discuss some of the details and the new features. For more information and to secure your spot, go to ThaddeusRussell.com/courses

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