(Kids Are Not Defective Part 5)


in·cu·ba·tor (noun)

1.An apparatus in which environmental conditions, such as temperature and humidity, can be controlled, providing suitable conditions for a chemical or biological reaction.
2. A place or situation that permits or encourages the formation and development of new ideas

Forced Associations
Adolescence is plagued by an artificial, society-created extension of childhood dependence. This is time where people can certainly begin to achieve greater self-knowledge and emotionally maturity, unless they're trapped in place that prevents it. There is no escape from the negativity; school is compulsory

The Hypocrisy of Adults
What's even worse: in this place, some pretty abhorrent behavior is modeled for kids on a daily basis. This behavior violates all three of the kindergarten rules: don't hurt others, don't steal, tell the truth

The same people benefiting from this behavior are the ones tasked with making children "good"

Please visit schoolsucksproject.com for full show notes, references and links.