On Wednesday April 14th, I was invited to speak to the UConn Students For Liberty at the University of Connecticut. I had prepared a thirty-minute speech, and planned to devote another 30 minutes to Q&A. However, the audience included several socialists, and the entire event wound up running three hours.

I gave some of the speech. Even though the outcome was different from what I anticipated, and I didn't counter their objections as well as I would've liked, I thought the whole experience was great.

I have split it into two parts. This part includes a bit of political discussion. I also talk in depth about my difficulties in trying to figure out my role as a tutor, and dealing with parents.

NOTE: The first minute overlaps the the end of the last part (the Prussian discussion).

NOTE: Special thanks to Jon Mohrbacher, Ryan Safner and Howie Reith.

Please visit schoolsucksproject.com for full show notes, references and links.