Critical Thinking Question:
What would you think if you saw an arsonist running back to the scene of their crime moments later...with a fire hose?

Ian Freeman of Free Talk Live joins me to address the myth that government solves problems. We explore the phenomenon of unintended consequences, using the so-called 'war on drugs' as a case study.

The Formula:

...the use of force
leads to
perverse unintended consequence
leads to
new problem
leads to
demand for government action
leads to
the use of force
leads to
perverse unintended consequence
leads to
new problem
leads to
demand for government action
leads to
the use of force
leads to
perverse unintended consequence
leads to
new problem
leads to
demand for government action
leads to
the use of force
leads to
perverse unintended consequence
leads to
new problem
leads to
demand for government action
leads to...(repeat ad infinitum?)

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