It was a heck of a year for the MoGraph industry, and for School of Motion.

SOM's 2019 Motion Design Industry Survey revealed greater participation, enthusiasm, opportunity and income than ever before; and SOM's business, course curriculum, core team, enrollment and online reach and engagement grew at exceptional rates.

Not to mention SOM's rebrand with Chris Do and The Futur, the brand manifesto video with JR Canest and Ordinary Folk, and the completely redesigned website coming soon.

On the 2019 End of Year Podcast episode, SOM founder, CEO and Podcast host Joey Korenman is joined by EJ Hassenfratz, 3D Creative Director, and Ryan Summers, 2D Creative Director, to talk about the artists, studios, tools, trends and events that made MoGraph news in 2019 — plus all the exciting plans (and bold predictions) for the coming year.

This one's long, but it's a must listen.