Is life a STAGE? The multi-talented Nicole Ansari joins me for a conversation on STAGE. Whether that's her on-stage (and screen) roles, setting the stage as a director, the different stages of life and so much more (including the hemp/cannabis had on Nicole's life and work)

"It's in the uncomfortable moments that change and transformation and the deeper understanding of ourselves as human beings and our purpose here can take place." 

About my guest, Nicole Ansari:

Nicole Ansari Cox is an internationally renowned actress, producer and director of Film, TV and Theatre who, parallel to her acting career which started at the age of 14, has pursued and been certified in numerous training programs in the healing and wellness field. She was born a seeker of spiritual knowledge and is a certified advanced Theta healing practitioner, KRI certified Kundalini Yoga teacher, IAYT certified Yoga Therapist, certified OM trainer and life coach and coaches actors and professionals.

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