How do we FEED our ambition? I’m joined by TV Chef and "Challah Mummy" Allegra Benitah for a conversation on FEED. We get right into:

- What FEEDs Allegra’s ambition and how this has changed over the years
- What FEEDs her passion for all things challah and growing fruit and veg at home
- Allegra’s decision to step away from her career as a Magic Circle Tax Lawyer when she became a mother - and how that doesn’t make her any less ambitious for herself

Here’s a quote from Allegra that I adore “Being a mother ramped everything up for me intellectually”. 

About my guest, Allegra Benitah:

Allegra Benitah read Law at Magdalene College, Cambridge before qualifying as a Tax Lawyer at a Magic Circle Law Firm. After the birth of her first child, Allegra walked away from her legal career to be a full-time Mum. Allegra began baking to entertain her children and became a TV Chef and Instagram baking personality known as the Challah Mummy. Allegra has appeared on many TV Shows, including ITV’s This Morning, Good Morning Britain and James Martin’s Saturday Morning.

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