Today I bring you one man’s response to early life messages - Jay Stansfield, for decades now, has been putting a middle finger up to all those teachers that thought he couldn’t do _____ (insert a host of activities). “You’re not Creative, and here’s Why” In fact, maybe someone planted that seed in your brain a long, long time ago too. Maybe someone keeps telling you, you can't draw. Or sing. Or organise things.  

Listen into my conversation with Jay as we explore how (despite all the negative messages) he’s become an illustrator, musician, songwriter and creative multimedia artist and most recently, an entrepreneurial children's author.  

Jay, is a northern, 41 year-old with an 'IndyBest colouring books for creative kids' accolade in The Independent for his debut book Squibbles. Jay has also published Squibbles 2 and Meet The Squibbles and is now also a growing name in the emerging world of NFT collectibles. Check these out my friends!

Jay’s simultaneously a music artist with over 25 years in the music industry who has performed two John Peel sessions with his old band Element, played support to Grandaddy, Ultrasound, Dodgy, Mike and the Mechanics and had remixes by EMF, Republica and Martin Carr from The Boo Radleys, with international radio play across the world. 

He currently performs with altpunkrock group All Hail Hyena, who’ve been championed by Tom Robinson on BBC 6Music and John Robb via his acclaimed music blog Louder Than War and are currently promoting their new album 3 Organs Down, which they’ve released on a brand new format as the world’s first ALBOOK™. Jay lives in Lancashire in the UK and is a proud father of two daughters.

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Today I bring you one man’s response to early life messages - Jay Stansfield, for decades now, has been putting a middle finger up to all those teachers that thought he couldn’t do _____ (insert a host of activities). “You’re not Creative, and here’s Why” In fact, maybe someone planted that seed in your brain a long, long time ago too. Maybe someone keeps telling you, you can't draw. Or sing. Or organise things.  

Listen into my conversation with Jay as we explore how (despite all the negative messages) he’s become an illustrator, musician, songwriter and creative multimedia artist and most recently, an entrepreneurial children's author.  

Jay, is a northern, 41 year-old with an 'IndyBest colouring books for creative kids' accolade in The Independent for his debut book Squibbles. Jay has also published Squibbles 2 and Meet The Squibbles and is now also a growing name in the emerging world of NFT collectibles. Check these out my friends!

Jay’s simultaneously a music artist with over 25 years in the music industry who has performed two John Peel sessions with his old band Element, played support to Grandaddy, Ultrasound, Dodgy, Mike and the Mechanics and had remixes by EMF, Republica and Martin Carr from The Boo Radleys, with international radio play across the world. 

He currently performs with altpunkrock group All Hail Hyena, who’ve been championed by Tom Robinson on BBC 6Music and John Robb via his acclaimed music blog Louder Than War and are currently promoting their new album 3 Organs Down, which they’ve released on a brand new format as the world’s first ALBOOK™. Jay lives in Lancashire in the UK and is a proud father of two daughters.

School for Fathers Podcast is like a cold beer”