Deciding not to WASTE anymore life on booze, Dave Wilson, gave up drinking in January 2019. As Sober Dave, he swapped his boozy drinking buddies for the sober community.  Dave joins me to share the highs and lows of his road to sobriety. We talk about everything from the impact of young fatherhood, coping strategies and some of Dave’s worst drinking memories. 

@SoberDave is passionate about encouraging open, honest conversations about booze, especially involving other men. Dave runs his own carpet company and has appeared regularly on various TV makeover shows, including over 200 episodes of ’60 Minute Makeover’. Dave is husband to Emma, father to George and step-father to triplets and a teenager. 

@Soberdave on instagram

Dave’s Website

Ep22: MIGHT - Emma Campbell (Dave’s wife)

Drinking: A Love Story - Caroline Knapp

Ep38: PLONK - Clare Pooley


School for Mothers Website