This week, we want to explore the limits of our imagination and discuss the realm of the supernatural. In all cultures of the world, there are stories of sorcerers, witches, magicians, fortune tellers, magic potions, and many other ways in which humans entertain the idea of tapping into another dimension of reality. Salima and I were eager to bring up this conversation because we have different experiences with the idea of psychic abilities. I find that, since childhood, the world of fortune tellers, dream interpretation, palm reading, tarot cards, amulets, spirits, and spells are just an obvious part of life. To my surprise, I found out that for Salima, it's the opposite! This type of magic has not really played any role in her upbringing nor her adult life, so her curiosity is at top levels. To make things more interesting, we decided to invite one of Salima's friend who will perform Salima's first ever tarot card reading! Let's see what the spirits have to tell us…

Quote of the week:

“Everyone is born with psychic abilities. It’s just a matter of knowing how to tap into it.” 

- Julien Offray de la Mettrie 

Book reference: Practical Intuition by Laura Day