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Modern Families is a new series on the podcast. In this episode we will talk about modern moms. 

Our modern societies have evolved to create a wonderful environment where women can enter any career they please and thrive at work. However, amidst this passionate fight for women’s equal rights and opportunities in the professional realms, many mothers are beginning to notice that there is an aspect of our societies that is still lagging behind, not reconciling completely between the ambitious desires of working moms and their parenting obligations. We are calling these women “Modern Moms” during our podcast, as we are referring to the new wave of mothers who are going through internal debates about what it means to be a working mom and how to translate this internal struggle into a social movement to create new solutions and choices for modern moms. 

Our guest today, Mina Fadol,  is a modern mom of two children. She lives in an urban context, in the city of Calgary, Alberta, in Canada. Her husband owns a Gourmet Pizza Restaurant and she is an Athletic Therapist. After giving birth to her first child, she decided not to go back to work for some time. After giving birth to her second child, she realized staying at home with two children was not making her happy and tried to find solutions that accommodate both her professional desires and her mother obligations. Today we dive deep into this struggle in the hope of creating a dialogue between modern moms, moms-to-be, women who are hesitant to have children because they do not want to sacrifice their career, and very importantly, the rest of the society and its expectations of modern moms. Can we find a middle ground? 

Quote of the week:

“We expect women to work like they don’t have children and raise children as if they don’t work.” 

– Unknown