Allan Pratt is the author of "Hope and Destiny," a book about sickle cell disease that aims to educate patients, families, and clinicians about the disease.The book was inspired by a lack of services for sickle cell patients in 1985 and was started by a mother who wanted to get a clinic started at Grady Hospital.The lack of education about sickle cell disease in the past has led to a misunderstanding of the disease and its impact on patients.The book "Hope and Destiny" serves as a tool for educating patients and families about the disease and has been successful in providing a baseline understanding of sickle cell disease.The progress made in sickle cell disease education and treatment, as well as the role of physician assistants and nurse practitioners in improving patient care, is discussed.The speakers emphasize the importance of patient communication and listening in healthcare, and how patients can become advocates for their own health.The transition from pediatric care to adult care for sickle cell patients is challenging, and more resources are needed for adult sickle cell patients.The speaker advises reaching out to the local sickle cell community service to find good doctors who are interested in managing sickle cell disease.It is important to understand that sickle cell is not just a disease that affects black people, but a global genetic issue that can affect people of any background.The stigma surrounding sickle cell should be looked past, and proper education and understanding should be promoted.