What's up Scatterbrains? Welcome to Scatterbrains on the Go, Vol 2.5! We're doing something a little different this week. This isn’t the normal weekly episode, but instead is a modified version of the “Scatterbrains on the Go” series, where we record live on a phone while out and about. Why Vol 2.5, you ask? To be explained in the episode.

This should probably be titled episode 100, but we need to give episode 100 it's own special treatment. So we're not including this in the normal numbering scheme. "Whatevah, Whatevah, I'll do what I want..."

This week, Dan talks with Knox Colby (@knoscody), vocalist from Enforced (@EnforcedRVA), after their set in San Diego on the Decibel Magazine 2022 tour. We talk about joining Enforced, dogs, music, a new Enforced album, and more. You don't want to miss this one.

Thanks for listening, and a special thanks to Knox for taking the time to hang out and talk. \m/

You can find us on Instagram and Twitter, or send us a a message at [email protected]. We would love to hear from you!

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