Welcome to Scatterbrain Podcast - Episode 99-ish. "99-ish" because, well, you ever have one of those weeks where nothing seems to go right? It's been one of those. In fact, this is the episode that almost wasn't. We seriously considered skipping this week.

This episode WAS supposed to be the 5th and final installment in our Metal Assault Series. This episode WAS supposed to be an interview with Dave Barrett, vocalist for Socal melodic death metal band Voices of Ruin. We had a great interview with Dave, and learned all kinds of cool things about Voices of Ruin... but as luck would have it, the Technology Gods weren't having any of it, and the interview was lost in the ether. Sorry Dave!

Never the less, we persevered and got this episode out. Not our best, but certainly not our worst, and definitely a labor of love. We love doing this podcast and we love knowing you're out there listening.

That being said, we owe it to Dave from Voices of Ruin and Andrew from Metal Assault Records to remind you that the Metal Assault 12-year anniversary music fest is upon us! Go online now and get your tickets at TransplantsBrewing.com, or visit MetalAssaultRecords.com for more details. Let's all have some fun, drink some beers, and listen to some great bands. Can't to see old friends and make some new ones. 

Thanks for listening everyone. Your loyalty and support make this all worthwhile (you know who you are).

You can also find us on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook, or send us a a message at [email protected]. We would love to hear from you!