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After 20+ years of working in the health and wellness fields, and overcoming many major traumas, Karin is uniquely qualified to help breast cancer survivors worldwide, to bounce back after treatment has ended. Combining her extensive knowledge of nutrition, anti-inflammatory living and women’s hormones, she infuses her personal experiences as she calmly guides you step-by-step from a place of barely existing, towards your greatest life yet.  Karin has been featured on WINK News and CNBC along with her BRCA2 positive daughter, and can be found advocating for the breast cancer community by sharing her story on Learn Look Locate, as well as multiple summits and podcasts.  

Karin’s contact information:  

Healthy Living After Breast Cancer Facebook Group: 


FREE 30-Day Energy Boosting Self-Care Calendar: 

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Chris DT Gordon’s TAG and POP Shop: https://chris-dt-gordons-tag-and-pop-...

May flowers: @nateberan