Bonus one-shot episode set in the World of Warcraft Deadmines Dungeon Mastered by Lindsay who plays Flora! Characters include Que (Luke), Maluzar (Stephen), and Kristoph (Eric). Bonus Episode: WoW Deadmines Part 2 Highlights include: 1. The group dangerously fight goblins underneath a large cauldron. 2. Bottlenecked, the group must think of a way to fight … Continue reading Bonus Episode: WoW Deadmines Part 2

Bonus one-shot episode set in the World of Warcraft Deadmines Dungeon Mastered by Lindsay who plays Flora!

Characters include Que (Luke), Maluzar (Stephen), and Kristoph (Eric).

Bonus Episode: WoW Deadmines Part 2

Highlights include:

1. The group dangerously fight goblins underneath a large cauldron.

2. Bottlenecked, the group must think of a way to fight through a band of Defias.

3.  The group come upon a very large ship that starts shooting at them!

4. Before boarding the ship, the group is stopped by a ferocious minotaur named Smite.

5. An escape occurs out of the deadmines, but was the mission a success?

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