Bonus one-shot episode set in the World of Warcraft Deadmines Dungeon Mastered by Lindsay who plays Flora! Characters include Que (Luke), Maluzar (Stephen), and Kristoph (Eric). Bonus Episode: WoW Deadmines Part 1 Highlights include: 1. The group catch a gryphon from Stormwind to Westfall to assist Lt. Laine with the king’s request to clear out … Continue reading Bonus Episode: WoW Deadmines Part 1

Bonus one-shot episode set in the World of Warcraft Deadmines Dungeon Mastered by Lindsay who plays Flora!

Characters include Que (Luke), Maluzar (Stephen), and Kristoph (Eric).

Bonus Episode: WoW Deadmines Part 1

Highlights include:

1. The group catch a gryphon from Stormwind to Westfall to assist Lt. Laine with the king’s request to clear out the deadmines.

2. The group starts their mission with a bang thanks to Cue’s impromptu decision with a group of Defias.

3. The group dispatched a huge ogre with ease while discovering Kristoph can really blend in with the scenery.

4. Maluzar gives the group a glimpse of his true colors during an encounter with an old, lonely miner.

5. As Que stuns his opponents, karma comes for Maluzar when a goblin-piloted machine terrifies him!

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