Can you guarantee progress?

We are 2 weeks into the new year, and already some people have fallen off track with a goal they set less than a month ago.

Is that you?

One of the secrets of goal setting that all successful people do is to have a clear process to get there.

Knowing where you want to go is the first step to getting there.

Once you have that destination, its time to lock it in and figure out the best route and actions to get there.

After that, its all about consistent work and engagement with your goals.

Achieving your goals is simple but not easy and you stand a lot better chance of achieving them if you set yourself up for success from he start.

If you want to ensure your success, one of the best ways to do that is having habits that support your goal.

For the coaches and consultants looking to grow their business this year, I put together a free habit guide modeled after the latest research in habit and formation and behavior change.