Welcome to Episode 29 of the Scaling to Business Success Podcast!

One thing that I know about achieving your goals and having success is that you have to be consistent. And for 2024, I have created my own consistency plan and it's something that I'm going to stick to.

I've followed a ton of business coaches who have been consistent over the years, and it still amazes me how they are still successful even while doing the most boring and mundane things. 

That's what I'm going to share with you in this week's episode. 

I plan to do two things for the remainder of this year, and I can't wait to share the results with you towards the end of the year. 

When you're consistent, you grow. I want to do the same.

Let's dive in!

In order to have the success that you want, you have to put yourself out there for others to find you. If you want them to find you, it all comes down to you being consistent in all areas of your life, including your business and the way you show up for your ideal audience.

Your audience is out there waiting for YOU to show up to help them. And when you're not consistent with showing up, giving value and making the sale, they find other people who can help them, but it doesn't end up working out for them in the long run.

If anything, especially after you listen to this episode, I want you to make a plan to be consistent. Be consistent with showing up, be consistent in the value that you provide, and be consistent with how often you ask for the sale for your offers. 

In this episode you'll hear:

What my consistency plan consisted of in 2023 (running paid ads, creating a 2-day free mini-course, automated Instagram DMs, etc.) The two main things I'm focusing on this year and what my plans and goals are for 2024, and what I plan to achieve. Why am I going to put all of my focus on webinars to help grow my email list to my goal of 10,000 email subscribers How I'm going to continue this plan for two years, evergreen it, then move on to something else in 2025-2026

I hope that you enjoy the episode!

Be sure to join me for my FREE live training "How I Enrolled 416 Students in 4 Months Without a Fancy Website or Huge Following Online" that's happening EVERY THURSDAY at 8pm EST!

Register here for the upcoming live training!

I hope that you enjoyed this episode! I look forward to chatting with you next week on the Scaling to Business Success Podcast!


Links & Resources:

Symone's website Send me a DM on Instagram! Let's chat there! The Scaling to Business Success Podcast website Check out my FREE weekly LIVE training - REGISTER NOW!


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