When it comes to being on social media, you need to have a strategy. You have to figure out how you're going to show up, interact with your audience and followers, and figure out how you're going to sell them.

But for me and my business, I'm trying a different strategy - one that doesn't require me to be present on social media every single day.

The more you're in business, the more you start to understand that it's not necessarily required to show up on social media every single day, especially when you have an automated system in play.

I've learned to let my automated system and funnel do the heavy work for me so that I can have more time to do more of what matters to me, and that's to interact with my audience and serve my clients who are enrolled into my programs. 

Listen in to this podcast episode as I explain what my new social media strategy is, and how it really goes against what the "guru's" are telling you online. 

Check out the episode by clicking "PLAY" above!



Are you ready to acheive consistent enrollments for your online course without having to do discovery calls and tons of organic posting online? I ha

I have a brand new mini course that shows you how I was able to achieve $25K in online course sales within four months, and I want to show you how!

Click here to register for the free mini course and I'll see you there!