WOW, Alice Heiman gives lots of value talking about her new company TradeShow Makeover and much more.

The tradeshow industry has grown year on year for over 8 years. Companies are spending millions on trade show but not getting the ROI.  Alice says that companies do what they have always done and do not get the results. She is on a mission to reverse this. Showing why it is cost-effective, Alice provides tips on how you can maximise the ROI with planning and the use of digital.  

Alice talks through the Mutual Action Plan process that helps your salespeople provide real pipeline forecasts rather than the hopeful pipeline predictions.

Alice reference her hero as Donald Miller you can check out his podcast here:

Alice and I look forward to your comments below or on any social channel ► Subscribe and please SHARE the love 😊

According to, Alice Heiman is among the world’s leading experts on the complex sale. She is the founder of Alice Heiman, LLC a leading sales consultancy that strategizes with sales leadership to grow sales. Heiman co-founded TradeShow Makeover which is now a leader in preparing companies to close more deals from their investment in exhibiting at and sponsoring trade shows.

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