In this episode, Nick talks you through several practical techniques that will allow you to invest more time in yourself and explains why self-improvement and investment, is by far the best investment you can make. 

By adding to our intelligence, value and skill-set, we can positively impact others and our own world.   

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By investing heavily in ourselves, whether intellectually, or in terms of skills or value, then you can easily add more value back to other people. You are your greatest asset, and any value you add to that will only impact others positively. Investing in yourself is different from the pathway of formal education. As Nick points out, his schooling began as a child, but his education began in his thirties. It is only when we begin to apply the lessons learned through life experience, that we can start to utilise our entire value.   Formal education can be useful in teaching us discipline, focus, a regimented work ethic, and the ability to learn how to study, but the practical experience comes later once our personalities become defined, and when we begin to focus upon the life we want and the goals we are setting for ourselves.  Personal development is about the skills, the beliefs and mindset that you need. Professional development is the acquisition of broader attributes and skills. Personal is based around your attitude and outlook. Professional is based around the specific skill set that will allow you to master your chosen vocation. Both are equally important. You have to take action wherever possible., Theorising and studying about self-improvement are all very well, but progression can never be made until we take that first step In practical terms. Entrepreneurs are not just born - they construct themselves through defining their life’s purpose. Everyone has the capability to be the best version of themselves possible - to seek success and make the most of it. It just takes belief and the will to act. Invest in more time - by creating more time and leveraging it properly, the more time you can devote to the things that are going to drive you towards your passions and your goals. By defining the dimensions in our lives that we wish to spend more time in, we can better utilise and create the time available. Leverage and outsource all of your low-value tasks - Household tasks, administrative tasks and other low-value duties can consume a large amount of our personal development time. By employing others to help, we can focus on the things that are truly important. Invest in your health - Looking better is wonderful, but by improving our health we also improve our energy levels. Sleeping, also, is a crucial part of maintaining our optimum energy levels. Plan your day carefully.  Invest in your mindset - Understanding how our psychology works is hugely important in terms of how we begin to improve our attitude and self-belief. Seminars, coaches, audiobooks and podcasts are an invaluable source of mindset improvement. Investing in knowledge and skills - If mindset is what makes you take action, then knowledge and skills are the things that will create more certainty around what you are trying to achieve. Seek out experts who are a few steps ahead of where you want to be.

Invest in your network - Look at who you’re spending your time with, particularly in the world of business. Surround yourself with people who are a few steps ahead, and learn and grow in their company.

Always celebrate your successes - Focussing purely on achievement can sometimes leave us blind to the actual progress we are making. Pause once in a while to reflect upon your growth.



 ‘Investing in yourself is not a “should do”, it’s a “must do”’ 

‘Find a way to add more value than anyone else does, and you’ll never have to worry about anything’ 

‘Every day, work harder on yourself than anything else’ 

‘Depending on where you want to go, your education and what you want to invest in, may not be what the establishment does’ 

‘You gotta take action!’ 

‘I’ve always wanted to be the best version of myself I can be’

‘You are the sum average of the five people you spend the most time with. So choose these people well!’

‘It can sometimes be possible to improve ourselves by two avenues at once - listening to an audiobook while exercising stimulates our body and mind simultaneously’

‘Excuses are created in the mind and do not exist’

‘Where are you now, where do you want to be, and what is the gap?’

‘Your network is your net worth’

‘Everyone needs me time, just make sure it’s not an excuse for procrastination’


Nick Bradley is a renowned entrepreneur, investor, speaker, and business growth expert.

His background is growing and scaling Venture Capital and Private Equity backed businesses globally. Over the last decade, he has completed 117 acquisitions and 25 business exits with a combined valuation of over $5bn dollars.

His mission is to help business founders build valuable businesses and create life-changing exits so they can realise freedom, wealth, and impact. 


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