Sometimes, your business’s growth can stall because your standards and values may have become less clear. It’s worth taking the time to reflect upon the way we live each day, to ensure that we are meeting our own standards of quality. It’s only from meeting, and sometimes exceeding these standards, that we can make true change.

Find out now if you’re building a high-value, exitable business (even if you have no immediate plans to sell it). You’ll get an instant PDF report with powerful insights specifically tailored to your business in just 4 minutes.


Standards are the key to changing anything. As Tony Robbins says: “Any time you sincerely want to make a change, the first thing you must do is raise your standards” To have an outstanding quality of life, you must take risks, and much of this comes from the standards you set for yourself. Self-esteem comes from raising your personal standards in everything from the way you treat others to the way you dress. One of the first areas in which you should set standards for yourself should be your health. Mindset is incredibly important, but always remember that you need energy and vitality in order to deliver. Managing your emotions is another area of your personal life that will translate to your business life. Business is not just about the wins, but the roller coaster of ups and downs that challenges create. We need to be mentally prepared for everything. What are your standards regarding relationships? How do you get on with people? Are you striking the balance between home life and business life effectively? Remember not to let your personal relationships suffer. Are you using your time effectively? Productivity is the result of effective planning and holding yourself accountable for delivering on your promises and potential. You’re not going to become financially free unless you learn how to manage your money well. Discipline yourself to save money, and spend it wisely. Envision your goal from the future perspective of your desired reality. Nick practices “priming”, reflecting upon the past, present and subsequently three future goals. Envisioning yourself as the type of person who can achieve those things will give you insight on the actions needed to get there. Find inspiring mentors who are a few steps ahead of where you are. Look for those who are living the highest standards in a specific area you aspire to.  Learn from your mistakes. Remember to take risks. Don’t compare yourself too closely to others. Feel your way through the journey and remember that there’s no such thing as failure, only feedback.  Ask yourself: are you doing what it takes? Are you living with intention? Are you living with balance? 



‘Mindset isn’t just part of the game. It is the game’

‘Don’t worry twice!’

‘Everything that you do or say provides others with insight into the personal standards you keep’

’Some people are very good at offence, but not at defence’

‘If your identity is not taking you to where you want to be in life, that’s when you need to set a new standard’

‘When I look for a mentor for myself, I’m not looking for an easy ride'


Nick Bradley 

Nick Bradley is a renowned entrepreneur, investor, speaker, and business growth expert.

His background is growing and scaling Venture Capital and Private Equity backed businesses globally. Over the last decade, he has completed 117 acquisitions and 25 business exits with a combined valuation of over $5bn dollars.

His mission is to help business founders build valuable businesses and create life-changing exits so they can realise freedom, wealth, and impact. 


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