‘If you are not deliberately building your connections nobody is going to know you’re out there or who you are’ 

Nick is joined by Anna Parker-Naples who is the host of the ‘Entrepreneurs Get Visible’ podcast and a multi-award-winning Hollywood voice actor. 

Find out now if you’re building a high-value, exitable business (even if you have no immediate plans to sell it). You’ll get an instant PDF report with powerful insights specifically tailored to your business in just 4 minutes.




How can you deliberately connect with the right people to move to the next level?  The difference between a start-up and scale-up can often be the ability to work with people.  It’s about working with teams and external partners.  If you see someone for whom it is already a reality you can more easily see yourself there.  There is no risk in setting audacious goals so why not go out there and create something outstanding.  Even if you are creative you need to have an entrepreneurial head and I’m interested in helping people to get there.  My mission is about helping other people to become the best version of themselves and to do the same for myself.  When something presents to you and its already in your mind then you see the opportunities.  It’s about being very intentional about who you want to network with and be mentored by.  You must be open to meeting other people.  You have to be intentional about attending events where you can connect with the right people.  It’s about the human interactions that lead to relationships and to make them you have to be in the room.  You need to be getting out there, being an entrepreneur can be very lonely but to build your business you must get out there so people know about your business and what you are doing.  You have to get visible over time and people are going to remember you. Maybe you can be a connection for someone else.  If you are not deliberately building your connections nobody is going to know you’re out there or who you are. 



‘You have to first create the vision, for me, it’s the next 20 years’ 

‘My epiphany was realising that I had lost my way for 20 years  following what I thought was  the right path being in corporate  but really I had been repressing who I was really was’ 

‘You can’t be unauthentic my mindset is - I’m going to meet new people who may be able to help me and I may be able to help them’ 



90 Day Business Growth Accelerator website 

Entrepreneurs Get Visible podcast 



Nick Bradley is a renowned entrepreneur, investor, speaker, and business growth expert.

His background is growing and scaling Venture Capital and Private Equity backed businesses globally. Over the last decade, he has completed 117 acquisitions and 25 business exits with a combined valuation of over $5bn dollars.

His mission is to help business founders build valuable businesses and create life-changing exits so they can realise freedom, wealth, and impact. 


Nick’s Facebook page: https://scaleup.vip/FB  
Nick’s LinkedIn: https://scaleup.vip/LI  
Nick's Instagram: https://scaleup.vip/IG  
Scale Up Your Business, coaching/consulting: https://suyb.global

Support the show: https://highvalueexit.com/

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