In this episode Nick is presenting live in the US and asks his audience to think about the three questions that really matter when you are in business.

What is your life changing number? Why does that number matter? And is what you are doing now in your business going to get you to your life changing number?

Nick has built, scaled, and sold multiple  businesses and explains the strategies that can be adopted to drive growth exponentially for your business

Find out now if you’re building a high-value, exitable business (even if you have no immediate plans to sell it). You’ll get an instant PDF report with powerful insights specifically tailored to your business in just 4 minutes.


What is your life changing number? The number that creates freedom for you A key driver for many is achieving freedom-being able to do what you want, when you want without any restrictions Is what you are doing now in your business going to get you to your life changing number? If you don’t make serious money when you are in your business, you can make serious money when you sell it There are strategies you can adopt in your business to drive a different type of growth You can grow a business through organic growth one customer at a time, its intentional but slow and a rite of passage Overlay strategic growth, which is faster, more focused and creates more growth to create exponential  growth Structuring capital is about strategically placing capital to drive a higher value With a leveraged buy-out you take the asset value of the business and negotiate with the seller paying for the asset over a prolonged period from the profit of the business you are buying You need to consolidate and build the story of the business before the exit In order to make life changing money you must work towards life changing impact You can only really scale to the level of your identity


‘How you have built your business to date is only half the story’

‘You need to start with the end in and optimise the foundations of the business’

‘My driver is ‘team Bradley’ many of the decisions I’ve made in the last few years have been about them – creating a life for them and being the best role model


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Nick Bradley is a renowned entrepreneur, investor, speaker, and business growth expert.

His background is growing and scaling Venture Capital and Private Equity backed businesses globally.

Over the last decade, he has completed 117 acquisitions and 25 business exits with a combined valuation of over $5bn dollars.His mission is to help business founders build valuable businesses and create life-changing exits so they can realise freedom, wealth, and impact.

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