“If only I had done it, I wouldn’t be here right now.”

Life is just an absolute waste if you live it with regrets, doubts, and fears. So, as early as now, do what you can to have a happy future.

Find out now if you’re building a high-value, exitable business (even if you have no immediate plans to sell it). You’ll get an instant PDF report with powerful insights specifically tailored to your business in just 4 minutes.



21-year-old Nick didn’t see the real value of money. All he did was to spend it on possessions instead of saving up and investing in things that could bring him abundance – he was just getting by. Nick discovered the true passion for health and fitness, so he started a personal training business, his first business. He learned the importance of focus and discipline. He also read self-help and inspirational books. While helping his clients improve their physical health, he was also learning from them through their personal stories. This also gave him clarity on his life purpose. He believes that he can help more, so he moved to a new place and started a new career. If he can help more people achieve personal development, advance in their career ladder and scale up their business, then sacrificing comfort and security can be worth it.

7 Pieces of Advice for Younger Nick:

Trust that life is always giving you feedback that serves you. Take absolute control and accountability for your education. Find mentors early. Save and invest. Give back and contribute value to others without expectation. When opportunities present themselves, show up. Believe in yourself.


“Interestingly, when I got the most fulfilment back, then was helping people be physically healthy through personal training. There were side conversations I had with clients about life. That was an interesting part of my growth.” “Be grateful, be brave, have faith, and show up.” “I know that I wouldn’t be who I am if I have gone through the challenges and put myself out there.” “Never stop reading and filling your mind with stuff that will help you achieve your goals, and more importantly, enjoy your journey on the way.”


Scale Up Your Business Podcast: Rock Thomas – Interview with the World’s #1 Whole-Life-Success Expert | Apple | Omny | Stitcher Rich Dad, Poor Dad by Robert T. Kiyosaki


Nick Bradley is a renowned entrepreneur, investor, speaker, and business growth expert.

His background is growing and scaling Venture Capital and Private Equity backed businesses globally. Over the last decade, he has completed 117 acquisitions and 25 business exits with a combined valuation of over $5bn dollars.

His mission is to help business founders build valuable businesses and create life-changing exits so they can realise freedom, wealth, and impact. 


Nick’s Facebook page: https://scaleup.vip/FB  
Nick’s LinkedIn: https://scaleup.vip/LI  
Nick's Instagram: https://scaleup.vip/IG  
Scale Up Your Business, coaching/consulting: https://suyb.global

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