There are two types of pain in life - the pain of discipline and pain of regret. In this week’s ’15 Minutes To Action’, discipline is the focus, with Nick explaining why although we may find it hard to talk ourselves into better habits now, the rewards down the line will be far greater if we do.

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Discipline is a short-term pain. Overcoming something difficult now is something we have to talk ourselves into. But it is far better to battle that reluctance now. You may not see the results of your business efforts right now, but it is the discipline that will keep you on that pathway. We should base our disciplines around clarity, goal-setting, managing your time effectively, courage and energy. Disciplining practices into our daily routines force those practices to become habits. Once they become habits, the need for discipline dissipates.




‘Having mentors in life is absolutely one of the secrets of success’

‘Discipline weighs ounces, while regret weighs tons’

‘How you do anything in life is how you do everything in life’

‘How disciplined you are makes the difference between someone who has high amounts of success versus people who don’t'




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Nick Bradley is a renowned entrepreneur, investor, speaker, and business growth expert.
His background is growing and scaling Venture Capital and Private Equity backed businesses globally.
Over the last decade, he has completed 117 acquisitions and 25 business exits with a combined valuation of over $5bn dollars.His mission is to help business founders build valuable businesses and create life-changing exits so they can realise freedom, wealth, and impact.

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